- General Registration
- Universal Prekindergarten
- CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education) Registration
- CSE (Committee on Special Education) Registration
General Registration
Your child’s birth certificate, each parent’s current photo identification, any court custodial order, proofs of residence, most recent physical exam, most recent vaccination record, and all prior school records are to be uploaded to the application.
The documents below should be downloaded, completed and uploaded into the application.
- Home Language Questionnaire
- Housing Questionnaire
- Request for Records
- Medical History
- Allergy History
Then click the button below to launch the application. Complete and submit your application and note your application number for reference. The Family Information Center will contact to complete the registration.
FOR THE 2025 2026 Controlled Parents' Choice Kindergarten Registration, CLICK HERE.
Si se ha mudado recientemente al Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de White Plains y desea registrar a su(s) hijo(s) para que asistan a nuestras escuelas públicas, reúna todos los documentos necesarios y complete los formularios complementarios que se encuentran en los enlaces a continuación.
El certificado de nacimiento de su hijo, la identificación con fotografía actual de cada padre, cualquier orden de custodia judicial, comprobantes de residencia, el examen físico más reciente, el registro de vacunación más reciente y todos los registros escolares anteriores deben cargarse en la solicitud.
Los documentos a continuación deben descargarse, completarse y cargarse en la solicitud.
- Cuestionario del idioma del hogar
- Cuestionario de vivienda
- Solicitud de registros
- Historia médica
- Antecedentes de alergias
Luego, haga clic en el botón amarillo a continuación para iniciar la solicitud. Complete y envíe su solicitud y anote su número de solicitud como referencia. Al enviar la solicitud, el Centro de Información Familiar se comunicará con usted para completar el registro.
Universal Prekindergarten
For the 2024-25 school year, White Plains City School District will collaborate with three White Plains early childhood agencies to provide a free Universal Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten Program (6 hours) to four-year-olds (children born in 2020) residing in the City of White Plains. Transportation is not provided.
If your child is currently in a 3-year-old Head Start Program, they do not need to apply for UPK (Universal Pre-kindergarten) but will be enrolled through the Family Services of Westchester Head Start Program.
Please review the following important dates:
- Week of April 8: we will mail parents:
- A UPK Parent Handbook
- A list of collaborating agencies
- Dates to visit collaborating agencies
- Application Information
- Informative visits and tours as follows:
- May 3: Applications must be submitted online, use link below
- Week of May 6: Prekindergarten assignments will be made
- Week of May 13: Parents will be notified of the assignment for their child
- May 20 – June 7: Parents will be contacted by the Early Child Agency to complete their child's UPK registration
2024-2025 Universal Prekindergarten Application
Para el año escolar 2024-25, el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de White Plains colaborará con tres agencias de primera infancia de White Plains para ofrecer un programa universal de prekinder de día completo (6 horas) gratuito para niños de cuatro años (niños nacidos en 2020) residiendo en la ciudad de White Plains. No se proporciona transporte.
Si su hijo está actualmente en un programa Head Start para niños de 3 años, no necesita solicitar UPK (Pre-kindergarten universal), pero se inscribirá a través del programa Head Start de Servicios Familiares de Westchester.
Por favor revise las siguientes fechas importantes:
- La semana del 8 de abril: enviaremos a los padres por correo:
- Un manual para padres de UPK
- Una lista de agencias colaboradoras
- Fechas para visitar agencias colaboradoras
- Información de la aplicación
- Se realizarán visitas y recorridos informativos a continuación:
- 3 de mayo: las solicitudes deben ser completadas en línea; utilice el enlace a continuación.
- La semana del 6 de mayo se realizarán las asignaciones de Prekinder.
- Semana del 13 de mayo, se notificará a los padres sobre la asignación para su hijo.
- Del 20 de mayo al 7 de junio, la Agencia de Educación Temprana se comunicará con los padres para completar la inscripción UPK de su hijo.
Solicitud en linea para el programa prekinder para el año escolar 2024-2025
CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education) Registration
If you wish to register your child(ren) to be evaluated by the Committee of Preschool Special Education, gather the following documents:
- Your child’s birth certificate
- Each parent’s current photo identification
- Existing court custodial order
- Proofs of residence
- Most recent physical exam
- Most recent vaccination record
- A letter explaining your concern and request for evaluation by the CPSE
Download, complete and return the supplementary forms found on the links below.
Home Language QuestionnaireRequest for RecordsMedical and Allergy History
Click the yellow button to launch the application. Complete and submit your application and note your application number for reference. When you submit the application, a staff member from the Family Information Center will contact you to complete the registration.
CSE (Committee on Special Education) Registration
If you wish to register your child to be evaluated by the Committee on Special Education, gather the following documents:
- Your child’s birth certificate
- Most recent immunization record
- Each parent’s current photo identification
- Existing court custodial order, if applicable
- Proofs of residence if a White Plains resident
- Enrollment letter of non-public school where your child attends, including grade level
- A letter explaining your concern and request for evaluation by the CSE
Download, complete and return the supplementary forms found below:
Supplemental CSE Registration Forms
Click the yellow button to launch the application. Complete and submit your application and note your application number for reference. When you submit the application, a staff member from the Family Information Center will contact you to complete the registration.