Amazon Future Engineer
The Amazon Future Engineer sponsorship provides professional development to elementary and middle school teachers on the content and pedagogy of computer science education.
Click here to learn more about the program
- Learn to incorporate Computer Science Technology tools and practices applied to all subject matter in your classroom
The Bootup Curriculum prepares teachers to facilitate open ended projects in the free coding platforms of Scratch Jr. and Scratch. No experience in teaching how to code required
At the end of this program, teachers may apply for the annual Amazon Future Engineer Teacher Awards. Winners receive $25,000 funding for school projects plus a $5,000 stipend.
- All K-6 Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches, TAs, Library Media Specialists, STEM Teachers, Enrichment Teachers, Teachers of SWD, ELL/ENL and Technology Specialists
- Onsite PD and support for 2023-2024 school year
- Teachers attend 3 in person and 3 virtual PD workshops
- Afternoon/Evening sessions from 3:45 pm to 6:45 pm from September to March
- Attending Classroom teachers/Specialists are eligible for credit or stipend
To Apply:
Obtain approval for this request from your Building Principal or K-5/6th grade Coordinator and fill out this form by May 29th, 2024.
Attending Classroom teachers/Specialists are eligible for credit or stipend
Contact for further information regarding program specifics