- Kindergarten Bus Release Forms
- 2024-25 Childcare Forms
- 25-26 Transportation Application Non-Public Schools
Kindergarten Bus Release Forms
White Plains City School District policy requires Kindergarten students to be met by a parent or guardian at the bus stop to receive students. Students will only be released to authorized person(s) on the form.
La política del Distrito Escolar de la cuidad de White Plains requiere que los estudiantes de Kindergarten sean recibidos por un padre o tutor en la parada del autobús. Los estudiantes solo serán entregados a las personas autorizadas en el formulario.
2024-25 Childcare Forms
An application for this alternate transportation must be completed and signed by both the parent and the child care provider prior to April 1st of the coming school year, as required under New York State Education Law.
The day care provider is responsible to abide by the district's guidelines with regard to kindergartners. Please note that, once these arrangements are made, a child cannot be placed on a different bus and/or sent to a different location (i.e., the home) for a single trip or short period of time. This includes half days, early dismissal days and temporary changes in day care arrangements. This practice is strictly enforced and enables us to always know where our bussed children are traveling to.
Transportation is provided one way in the morning (to school from home or day care provider) and one way in the afternoon (from school to home or day care provider). Transportation between the home and a child care provider is the responsibility of the parent.
Exceptions to a child's established bus assignment will be made only for home emergencies and temporary disabilities. Such arrangements are made through this office with prior written approval from the school principal.
- the day care location is within White Plains;
- the distance between the school and the day care location is more than 1/2 mile for students in grades K-5, or more than 1 mile for students in grades 6-8;
- and - - the child will be transported to/from that location at that same time five days a week.