Allergy Safety Plan
Breakfast and lunch will be provided by grab and go bags. Breakfast will be prepackaged items and only a cold option. Lunch will have a choice of hot or a cold option.
The Food Services Department will not serve any nut containing foods for breakfast or lunch.
Any child with an allergy other than nuts will receive breakfast and lunch with their name on it. Staff will prepare the breakfast or lunch free of the students' allergen. For example, if the student is allergic to dairy, milk will not be included in their bagged lunch.
All allergies will be entered into the District’s food service software program and infinite campus software program under medical conditions. Nurses and Food service will provide teachers, monitors, and teaching assistants a list of students and their allergies. In addition, staff will have access to this information through infinite campus.
Any child with a nut allergy who is assigned to eat in their classroom will not be exposed to the allergen in their classroom. Nurses will alert parents of that classroom, that a child has a nut allergy and that particular food is not permitted in the classroom.