Change of Address or Phone Numbers
To change your address you must provide new proof of residency. This proof can be brought to your child's school or to the Family Information Center. If you have any questions, please call the Family Information Center at (914) 422-2038.
Landlord Affidavit for renters
Para cambiar su dirección, debe proporcionar un nuevo comprobante de residencia. Este comprobante se puede llevar a la escuela de su hijo o al Centro de información para la Familia. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al Centro de Información para la Familia al (914) 422-2038.
To update telephone numbers or add emergency contacts for your child(ren), please use K12 Alerts.
K12 Alerts - Student Emergency Information Collection
This is our automated telephone call system that we use to send out announcements and attendance calls (grades 6-12). This system has the ability to send announcements to your email/cell phone as a text message.
K12 Alerts is where you can review, update, make changes or additions to your child’s emergency information online. The system is easy-to-use and the system will walk you through a simple 6-step process. Just enter in your Family ID and Password and follow the directions (if you lost your family ID and password - please complete this form).
Login here
K12 Alerts URL:
Click here for more information on how the automated phone calls work.
We encourage you to use this online system. However, if you are unable to do so, you may do one of the following:
Complete the online Emergency Information Form by clicking here:
Contact the Family Information Center at 914-422-2038 for help in updating/changing your emergency information.