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Instructional Models

Integrated Content & ENL Instructional Model

In each of our elementary schools, collaborative model classrooms allow for the classroom and ENL teachers to co-plan lessons that will be presented to the whole class during a 45-minute segment. In this model, the ENL teacher goes into the classroom setting of the ELLs and co-teaches with the classroom teacher. The teachers present grade-level appropriate content to ELLs and English dominant students via best practices for reaching the ENL population in a scaffolded fashion. This means that content material is presented with attention to vocabulary development, background knowledge, and the use of visual aids to expand upon previous concepts taught. The ENL teacher becomes familiar with the mainstream curricular needs of the students and the classroom teacher learns how to make input comprehensible for ELLs. As a result, these teaching partners pool their expertise and refine their knowledge of best practices while providing coherence and rigor across the school day for all learners.

Stand-Alone Instructional Model

During stand-alone instruction, ELLs leave the classroom and spend time with ENL teachers who focus on skills such as vocabulary and conceptual development. This instructional model is often used in conjunction with the collaborative setting for beginning level learners who need double service periods. The work covered in the stand-alone sessions is an extension of classroom learning in the areas of science and social studies with domain specific support and helps to address specific needs presented by ELLs.