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White Plains Science Curriculum Grades 9-12

White Plains Science Curriculum Grades 9-12

White Plains High School offers a wide range of courses in science designed to meet the needs and interests of our diverse student body. In the four New York State Core Curricular areas, Living Environment: Biology; Physical Setting: Earth Science; Chemistry; and Physics, we offer courses at both the Regents level and the Honors level. (There are links below for the NYS Core Curriculum and the White Plains course outline for each of these subjects.) Each of these courses ends in the Regents Examination for the given area. All students also take a departmental final exam in the subject. In Chemistry and Physics, we also offer project-based courses which follow the Regents curricula, but which do not end in the Regents examination. Students may use these courses to earn their third science credit toward graduation (see graduation requirements section). In their senior year, students may choose from a variety of courses based on their interests and past performance. In addition to our Core Curriculum courses, we offer four Advanced Placement courses in science: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science and Physics C (calculus-based physics). All Advanced Placement courses follow the College Board curriculum, and all students enrolled in these courses are required to take that Advanced Placement Examination for the subject. Students may also take Anatomy and Physiology Honors, which has a dual enrollment option to earn college credit from SUNY Westchester through the ECE program. We also offer an extremely popular Forensic Science elective course (with an honors option), as well as electives in Marine Science, Human Origins and Evolution, the Geology of our National Parks, and Introduction to Horticulture. And in 2017-2018, we will offer a course in Medical Terminology in conjunction with our dual-language program. This student will be taught in both Spanish and English.

In addition to the science content courses discussed above, White Plains High School is very pleased to be able to offer a three-year sequence in Science Research in the High School. In this sequence, students select a topic for research, secure a mentor, design and implement a scientific study, and analyze and present their findings.

Further information about all of our course offerings, and a specific description of each course, can be found in the Course Catalog at the High School website at

Please use the links below to access more information about our Regents courses.

Living Environment (Biology) NYS Core Curriculum

Living Environment (Biology) White Plains Course Outline 

Earth Science NYS Core Curriculum

Earth Science White Plains Course Outline 


Chemistry NYS Core Curriculum

Chemistry White Plains Course Outline 

Physics NYS Core Curriculum

Physics White Plains Course Outline 

Forensic Science White Plains Course Outline