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Science Research in the High School

Science Research in the High School

The Science Research in the High School program is a unique opportunity for students to experience the rigor and rewards of real scientific research while still in high school. The three-year sequence of courses is designed to provide students with an understanding of research methods in the sciences. The program is directed to those students who have a keen interest in science and would like to pursue excellence and progress into areas of original research. Students must be highly motivated and able to work independently. Emphasis is on both exploratory and bibliographic research. Students are taught the process of online bibliographic researching and are able to access various scientific databases. Group seminars plus individual consultations with support personnel are provided. Students' commitment to long-term, focused research demonstration initiative, perseverance and creativity is developed and fostered. This course is a three-year commitment from sophomore to senior year. Summer work activity is also required. Students choose a topic of interest and construct an original experiment using a mentor of their choice to assist with their research. These mentors can be working scientists from the private or public sector, or college professors from local colleges and universities. The mentor and the Science Research Course Teacher/Advisor will jointly be responsible for the students' grade and carefully monitor all steps in the student's progress. As each year of the program is successfully completed, the student will earn one elective credit toward graduation. These credits are in addition to the required science credits for graduation and may not be used to replace them. Up to twelve (12) College credits may also be earned from the State University at Albany. 

Science Research Overview PowerPoint