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School Attendance Policy

I. Introduction

The White Plains Board of Education recognizes that regular school attendance is a major component of students’ academic success. Through implementation of this policy, the Board of Education expects to encourage full attendance by all students, and to reduce the level of unexcused absences, tardiness, and early departures. In order to accomplish these objectives, it is recognized that:

  • Regular school attendance is essential to a successful teaching and learning environment. Students’ academic achievement and performance in school is directly related to their full participation in the educational process.

  • Parents, school staff, and the students themselves (especially at the secondary level), all have a responsibility to contribute to a pattern of regular attendance.

  • Parents must ensure that their child(ren) arrive at school each day on time, remain in school for the full day and attend school consistently throughout the year.

  • School staff must effectively communicate with parents and students regarding attendance patterns, especially when those patterns relate to ongoing absences, tardiness or early departures.

  • Students, especially those attending secondary schools, must ensure that they attend school every day (except for a legal absence), arrive on time, attend each of their classes on time, and not leave the school building and/or grounds without permission.

Unexcused absences from school will result in disciplinary consequences that are intended to increase the likelihood of attendance and serve as a deterrent to future absenteeism, tardiness or early departure from school.