Disciplinary Consequences
V. Disciplinary Consequences
Unexcused absences, tardiness or early departure will result in disciplinary action consistent with the district’s Code of Conduct. Such disciplinary consequences could include, but are not limited to:
· Verbal/written notifications of attendance problems to parents and students.
· Parent/student conferences with building and/or central office administrators related to attendance problems.
· In-school or after-school detention.
· Denial of privileges to participate in extracurricular activities including sports, clubs, rehearsals, performances, etc.
· Denial of participation in summer school programs.
It is understood that all discipline related to attendance problems will be "progressive" - that is, disciplinary action will move from less severe penalties to more severe penalties as patterns of behavior warrant.
In serious situations where patterns of poor attendance are not effectively addressed, the district may seek to have the student adjudicated by Family Court as a person in need of supervision (PINS) and/or file educational neglect charges with Child Protective Services (CPS) as warranted against the parents.